Compensation system

1. Compensation system

In case of an accident during use, the following insurance and compensation amounts are included in the usage fee.

対人 無制限
対物 無制限(免責0円)対物全損時修理差額費用
人身障害 1名につき5000万円(搭乗中のみ)
車両保険 一般条件(免責10万円)車両金額は各車輌による
その他 ロードアシスタンス、弁護士費用(自動車)

2. Please confirm the following:

Insurance and compensation cannot be applied in the following cases.

  • 1. If you do not contact the police or our company at the time of the accident (if you do not have an accident certificate)

  • 2. Intentional Accidents

  • 3. In the case of an accident caused by someone other than the "U Car Subscription" contract holder or someone authorized by the contract holder.

  • 4. If the rental terms and conditions are violated

    Accidents caused by drunk driving, reckless driving, drug use, unauthorized extension of driving limit, or hit-and-run accidents

    Renting a vehicle to another person or driving without a license (including driving while your driver's license is suspended or if you are in violation of the types of vehicles you are permitted to drive)

    ○ If the vehicle is settled without permission, used for various tests or competitions, or used to tow or push other vehicles

    ○Other accidents that fall under the disclaimers stipulated in the rental agreement, etc.

  • 5. When there is a deficiency in use or management

    If your car is parked unlocked and stolen

    - Repair costs for damage or corrosion to the vehicle body caused by poor use

    Accidents and vehicle damage caused when driving on non-maintained roads (coasts, riverbanks, forest roads, etc.)

    Repair costs incurred due to incorrect fuel type when refueling, etc.

  • * Members will be responsible for the actual costs of damages that are not covered by the above insurance and compensation amounts, or damages that exceed the compensation limits. In order to receive insurance and compensation amounts for damages caused by hit-and-runs by unknown parties, car break-ins, and flying stones on the glass, a police report is required.

  • * Members will be responsible for the actual costs of damages that are not covered by the above insurance and compensation amounts, or damages that exceed the compensation limits. In order to receive insurance and compensation amounts for damages caused by hit-and-runs by unknown parties, car break-ins, and flying stones on the glass, a police report is required.

3. NOC (Non-Operation Charge) and other fees

  • If a vehicle needs to be repaired or cleaned due to breakdown, damage, odor (from tobacco, petroleum, etc.) caused by an accident, theft, etc. during use, or negligence on the part of the customer or passengers, regardless of the extent or duration of the repair or cleaning, etc., you will be required to pay the following compensation (non-operation charge) as part of business compensation for the inability of our company to provide our services during that period.
    (Damage to interior equipment, burn holes in seats, etc. are also covered by NOC)
    *You may be required to pay towing fees that exceed the scope of insurance coverage.

項目 内容 申受金額
事故返却 A. 自走して当社に車両が返却された場合(1事故あたり)
B. その他上記以外の場合(1事故あたり)
A. NOC(2万円)
B. NOC(5万円)
事故・キズ 通常の使用による磨耗を除く、損傷等 原状回復に要する実費+NOC
汚損 煙草の臭いの除去 ペットの毛や臭いの除去 嘔吐された場合の清掃ならびに臭いの除去 ごみの回収 原状回復に要する実費+NOC
紛失 ガソリンキャップ、アンテナ、その他車両の部品や備品 実費+NOC
破損 ・タイヤ・ホイールキャップ
バッテリーあがり ご利用中に発生した場合、またはご利用後に発覚した場合 実費
混油 油種を間違えて給油された場合 実費+NOC
追加オプション 汚損、紛失、破損 実費

4. Additional charges due to excess mileage

If the mileage during use exceeds the number of months of use x 1,000 km, an additional charge of 6 yen/km will be incurred.

5. Illegal Parking

Since June 1, 2006, enforcement of illegally parked vehicles has been strengthened.



  • 1. Parking violation penalty of 25,000 yen If you pay the penalty at a later date and present the "traffic violation notice" and "payment slip/receipt, etc.", we will refund the full amount of the parking violation penalty. The refund will be transferred to your designated account, but you will be responsible for the bank transfer fee.

  • 2. If the Company incurs any expenses related to the customer's search or the movement, storage, or collection of the vehicle, the amount equivalent to such expenses

  • 1. Please note that your membership may be cancelled.

  • 2. We need your help to provide a safe, comfortable and improved quality service.